Hey hey we're the Human Organs, taking to the streets and the woods with our elbow-driven ritual techno.
We've played at several open-air celebrations in Ulverston this year and over the course of Seasoning we have arrived at a 4-piece core - Neil and Jo Wade, Jamie McPhie and John Hall - and a strong "bench" to play our backpack mounted pipes, donated by Mark Latimer and built by Alex Blackmore.
We and our good friend Carolyn Francis were invited to the Kurt Schwitters Merzbarn by Ian Hunter and Celia Larner to commemorate a dark moment by celebrating its' unwitting legacy along with Jens-Peter Voss, German Consulate General in Scotland and The North, and an eclectic mix of visitors including artists, students, activists and musicians.
Listen via the button on the right..
This kind of collaboration/collision is what we had in mind when we first rolled the pipes out..voices, bellows, air-driven sounds, rough music, repetition and, on this occasion in particular, a delight in incongruity, absurdity and impurity.